Saturday, March 13, 2010

Stop the World I want to get off

That was the title of a movie in the 70s. I don't remember what it was about but the title somehow fits my life right now.


I am applying for a home equity loan to pay off some credit card debt. We are trying to be debt free by the time we retire and this will make it happen. The bank needs so much information but I am close to being ready to submit the application this next week.

I am tring to get papers together to take to my accountant to get my taxes done. It used to be so simple. When did it get so complicated?

I am in charge of publicity for a Quilt Show at our church. I don't know how I volunteered for that. Sometimes I speak before I think. anyway, I sent out 13 emails and 7 mailings on Thursday night. I have 26 quilt shops in Nebraska to contact and send brochures to. Then I will hit the fabric stores, hotels and chamber of commerce here in town.

I am part of a Women's Conference in May and wrote the first draft of my talk last night.

I am the Moderator of my church which is like head of the Deacon board. I have an All Church Meeting coming up in 2 weeks and I set up the agenda last night and sent some By Law language to my board to review.

This morning I am going to a brunch with a group of PEOs. This should be fun but it is just another thing to do. I will leave at 8:30 and be back home about noon. Then the lady who is planning the Quilt Show will come over at 1:00pm to help with the publicity.

Oh, I need to run and get in the shower so I am ready when they pick me up.

Did I mention that I also work full time? My job is OK but not something that I wake up and face with excitement. I am counting the days until I can retire. Let me see that would be 3,102 days to be exact.

Oh yes, I almost forgot, I teach Sunday School, sing on the Praise Team almost every week and handle my brother's finances.

In June, I plan to say no to everything and run away.


  1. Oh dear, I'm tired just reading that list!! I hope you can simplify soon!!

  2. I hope you can get a nap in there somewhere!
