Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I was talking to some people the other day and it suddenly hit me that there are folks whose only friends and social outlet are their families. They are "friends" with their brothers or sisters, their mothers and fathers, their cousins and aunts and uncles.

It struck me as odd.

I have always had friends outside of my immediate family. These friends have enhanced my life and added a texture and depth that I have treasured over the years.

These friends know me better than my family in some ways and love me anyway. My family can't reject me or stop being my family. They have no choice. But friends from outside the family choose to stay through thick and thin.

I can't imagine my life without my family. They have made me who I am.

But I also can't imagine my life without my friends who are not family. They love who I am. They make me laugh. They cry with me. They make my life rich and full.

God has brought many different friends into my life over the years when I needed them. Some are still friends, some have faded away but I look back and enjoy the memories.

How do you feel about having friends outside of your family? Do you?

1 comment:

  1. Ever since moving away for college I've always lived far away from family. Friends have been my life line. The best friends are the family we choose for ourselves. (And the best family are the ones we would choose as friends, yes?)
